I'm in the process of selling my LP collection for two reasons: I don't use them, and haven't used them for many years (I don't have the setup to play them anymore, and even if I did, I can't say that I would play them), and to try to make a little bit of money on the side. I

haven't been really successful fulfilling the second reason, since I only started by selling the less valuable (but still desirable) albums I have. After all of eBay's and Paypal's (now owned by eBay) fees, I probably make roughly $0.25 to $0.50 per album. Only a couple of exceptions where I made around $2.00, and two other ones I made about $10 each. Basically, at this point I'm just making myself a reputation. But in the spirit of making money (just a little bit of it though, mind you, I don't expect much), I was briefly looking at my CD collection. Would I possibly have something of value in there? I just may...
I used to listen to Pearl Jam, obviously that's why I own a couple of albums of theirs. If I still had the Ten album with the extra tracks, I bet that would have been worth a bit more than the regular version of the CD. But I already sold that one in the past. I do, however, have their
Vitalogy album. Nothing special there, sure. The album itself I would have a hard selling for more than a couple of bucks on eBay. But I might have a little accompanying extra that would be of value. I remember when you bought the album when it came out, you could fill in a coupon for a chance to win

tickets to see them live. Also, to participate, you had to collect all three of what they called "music caps". I don't remember how many of them you had with the CD purchase, but I just know I have three different ones. So it seems like I have them all. One thing I don't know though, is if they have any value. Does this package have any value more than just the regular CD? Mind you, it's also the original release of the album, with the 34 page booklet. I think there was a re-issue of it in a more standard jewel-case format, because I saw a square version of the cover art, while the original is shaped more like a book. But even so, there probably are millions of copies of that original version out there anyway. Also, I still have the said coupon, which you had to fill in to participate.
The reason I'm thinking this surely has some value, is because I'm finding absolutely no information on this on the web. I tried Google Web, Google Images (mind you, I quit after a dozen pages or so of images), Wikipedia, eBay's current selling items and completed items. Nothing comes up.
So anyone has a clue? Does anyone even remember this? Should I go to the Antics Roadshow with this?